We are pleased to announce a significant and exciting change to our organisation. Effective 1 July 2022, we will join Independence Australia Group to better serve the interests of our disability and family services (VCP) recipients, as a new unified organisation.
Independence Australia is a Social Enterprise whose core purpose is to support people with a disability or other physical need to regain, retain and extend their independence within a supportive community. They have over 60 years of experience in the delivery of specialist disability services to the Victorian community, and are a national supplier of healthcare products, mobility aids and assistive technology.
Together we are planning to expand our service offering to improve the quality of life for our customers and create a larger, more sustainable in-home service, whilst maintaining individualised services, flexibility, choice and control for all customers.
All staff will remain part of the Zest Care business and will be employed within the Independence Australia Group family. We strongly believe our customers and staff will benefit from this new partnership.
We look forward to working together on a shared vision to grow a responsive organisation delivering high quality services to people with disabilities and families.
Kind regards
William Strugnell
Chief Executive Officer
Zest Care